Emmy Rossum: Can't Bare Being Asked About Nudity

Emmy Rossum can't bare being asked about nudity

"Shameless" star, Emmy Rossum, is totally okay with being nude on-screen. But she tells AOL.com's Brian Balthazar that she can't bare being asked about it!

As the wreckless Fiona Gallagher on Showtime's "Shameless" Emmy Rossum has done it all. The character not only plays matriarch to her siblings, she does cocaine, gets naked and is in trouble with the law! All that is AOK to Rossum but she tells AOL.com's Brian Balthazar that the one thing she's tired of is people asking her about is nudity!

"Who cares! There's so much more important things about the show than the fact that I show my boobs, " says Rossum. "America is so anti-nudity. You go to Europe and there's absolutely no guns, no violence really in their materials on television but all the women are topless and pubic hair and whatever. What is the big deal about nudity? I just don't get it. It's not violence, it's not offensive to anyone. I don't get it, it's the human body. We're all born naked."

While Rossum now seems born to play Fiona Gallagher, she reveals that because of her squeaky-clean image and one of her most famous musical roles, she was almost rejected!

"They didn't want to audition me," says Rossum. "I had to make my own audition tape and convince them to see me in person. They knew me from 'Phantom of the Opera' and that character's so unlike it... that doesn't always translate to 'she's gritty, she's raw, she's unafraid to be real and go to ugly places."

"Ugly places" like snorting cocaine on-screen that Rossum says isn't real cocaine (cue gasps)! "Milk powder..." Rossum reveals, "or vitamin D. They give you a choice. Do you want sorbitol, which is powdered sugar, or do you want maltitol which is powdered milk." When Balthazar asked her if she tried snorting the fake cocaine for the first time on camera she said, "Yes. I told them I'm only doing this twice per nostril." We're thinking that's probably wise.

Whatever you do, don't ask Emmy Rossum about nudity, but do watch her on "Shameless" Sunday nights on Showtime!


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