I am collateral damage of the sex offender registry

So, I've finally made my TV debut. If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth the four minutes: http://www.wktv.com/news/local/Woman-engaged-to-sex-offender-registry-ruined-our-life-143561776.html

They did an OK job; not great, not bad. 90% of what I said was edited out, including my emphasis on the millions of children and family members whose lives are in danger because of the registry. Also conveniently not included was my polite, concise debunking of several of the most common myths (no, most sex offenders don't re-offend. No, they have not all committed crimes against children. Most victims are abused by people who aren't on the registry.) They also royally screwed up my fiancee's crime and conviction dates, which ironically demonstrates just how misleading the registry is (his entry includes the age of his victim when the crime was committed, NOT when he was convicted, which is a considerable difference). But they did give me something: a platform.

I can assure you that this is far from the last anyone will hear from me. Inevitably, some of the 165+ comments below the story were ignorant, deragatory and missed my point entirely, that their hatred and lack of knowledge is hurting innocent people. Someone went so far as to create a username on the forum "Topix" using my name, and post that my fiancee and I were looking for children to molest. A few months ago it would have bothered me. Now it just makes me laugh.

Whoever that sad person is, who has so little going on in their own life that they try to defame a complete stranger, is doing exactly what I want them to do. I'm glad they would rather act like kindergarteners while I'm out making change and raising awareness. I don't know if they are just scared of the truth, reality or both - but they and all the others that take time out of their busy days to create websites about me, cyber-stalk me and copy and paste random sentences from the hundreds of letters I've written are doing just what I want them to do: STAYING OUT OF MY WAY.

And this is what brings me to owning your fear, family members. You are collateral damage. As long as the registry exists, YOU and your family are in danger. You are easy targets and you are suffering punishment for a crime you didn't commit. The fact that you love a person who made a mistake in their life is nothing to be ashamed of; suggesting that the destruction of families is an acceptable solution to minimizing danger is ludicrous and goes against the very fiber of what our country's values are supposed to be. Destroying families to protect families? I'm confused.

We have two choices: live in fear and hope no one bothers us, our loved ones won't be hurt or killed, and surrender to the reality that we are second class citizens. Or, we can OWN that fear - the fear we've been forced into by a self-serving government and ignorant masses - and use it to our advantage. Family members, you are NOT alone. You have the chance to be a part of something amazing. Please, please join me and the others who have risen out of the darkness and take back our rights to love who we love and not be persecuted for it. The time is now. WE are collateral damage and we cannot be ignored!

Be sure to check out my follow-up to the interview, particularly Rich Ferrucci's pathetic defense of the registry, at the top left of this page.


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