What’s Using All The Bandwidth? Porn, Obviously.

Infographic: What’s Using All The Bandwidth? Porn, Obviously.

With internet usage at higher rates than ever before and mobile internet accessible devices release across the globe, humanity sure is using a lot of bandwidth. Most of it is spent watching cat videos (and *ahem porn) checking our Facebook pages and Instagramming pictures of our delicious meals.

While the end-user (That’s you!) isn’t too concerned about bandwidth past not racking up an overage on their mobile plans, digging into just what most internet bandwidth is used for is worth at least a quick look.

Check out the awesome infographic below to get a handle on just what the U.S. is using all of its fancy gadgets for.

HINT: 35% of it is used for porn! Surprised?

source: WhoIsHostingThis.com


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